Dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) is a measure of the levels of four macrominerals in the diet, potassium and sodium – positively charged cations and chloride and sulphur – negatively charged anions. DCAD affects blood buffering capacity and acidity in a cow’s blood. A negative DCAD is desirable for the 14-21 days prepartum. Lowering DCAD to -8 to -12 meq per 100g ration dry matter increases blood calcium levels prior to calving which helps prevent milk fever, reduces udder oedema and can lead to fewer retained placentas and displaced abomasums.
- To determine DCAD levels forage testing is critical and the DCAD calculation can be made.
- Feed 14-21 days prior to calving if high risk of high DCAD.
- Reduce metabolic disorders.